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Common elements and lessons learned from RIS3 processes Analysis of Project Partner Regions. Project Synthesis Report.
Please see one of the final publications – outcomes of the Smart Blue Regions project, where “Pomorskie in the EU association” contributed as a project partner.
This review describes RIS3 processes and implementation, with a focus on Blue Growth perspectives, and with the purpose of being a baseline for the exchange of experiences. It is a synthesis of the functional reviews and multilevel implementation systems developed by the partner regions during the course of the project and which you can find online on the project website www.submarinernetwork.eu/projects/smartblueregions/publications, as well as conclusions based on the reviews and additional bilateral dialogues during partner meetings such as in Riga in November 2017. The functional analyses and multilevel implementation systems of the partner regions have quite a broad approach, and also differ concerning where the focus has been set.
To see and download the publication please click here: https://www.submariner-network.eu/files/SmartBlueRegions_Rapport_DIGITAL.pdf