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We encourage all non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to participate in the upcoming Baltic Sea NGO Network Forum 2018, taking place between 17th-18th May this year, in Uppsala, Sweden. This is a great chance to meet new partners, exchange practical knowledge and experiences, as well as talk over project ideas.
For those interested, registration is still open and closes on 14th March 2018 or later, depending on the number of received applications.
The Baltic Sea NGO Network is an international body that brings together NGOs from 11 countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Norway, Poland Russia and Sweden. The long-term aim of the Network is to empower civil society in the Baltic Sea basin.
The Network goes about its mission through:
Bringing NGOs in the Baltic Sea region closer, no matter how varied and diverse the scope of their work is
Facilitating knowledge exchange, new partnerships and supporting existing ones, especially those on international and intersectoral level
Promoting NGO visibility and strengthing their position in the democratic decision-making processes on regional, national and European level
Raising public awareness of work undertaken by NGOs, their activities and public initiatives, as well as encouraging citizens to engage and take interest in matters that affect them
The Network is made up of national platforms, which are in turn represented by selected focal points. In Poland, these are Regionalne Centrum Informacji i Wspomagania Organizacji Pozarządowych w Gdańsku, BISER – Bałtycki Instytut Spraw Europejskich i Regionalnych and Stowarzyszenie ‘Podaj Rękę’.
More information about the Network and event, including on how to apply: http://www.balticseango.net/