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The second day of the Journées Île-de-France Europe was devoted entirely to Horizon 2020 and the opportunity for research and innovation it offers to the regions. The first part of the event featured presentations relating to research and innovation aspect of the Horizon 2020, and on the changes introduced by this instrument, namely: merging three programmes into one, coupling research to innovation, focusing on social challenges and simplifying for grants. The session was followed by the thematic workshops divided into two parts – “Mobility and sustainable transports” and “Health, demographic change and well-being”. The first part included presentations devoted to the newly introduced European bus system, sustainable transport priorities, and the challenges that the European transport industry is facing. The second part of the workshops allowed for a deeper analysis of the research and innovation in the fields of health and aging.
The third and the last day of the Journées Île-de-France Europe is to focus on the European structural and Investment funds for 2014-2020, with emphasis on the strategies for sustainable growth and employment.
More information available here.