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In support of the “Youthon the Move” and “European platform against poverty” Flagship Initiatives, DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission organises an evidence-based and policy-oriented conference on “Youth and Social Inclusion” on 17-18 November in Madou auditorium of DG Education and Culture (Place Madou 1). At this occasion a policy review on “More opportunities, better access, and higher solidarity for youth on the margins of society” will be presented and discussed.
The policy review summarises the research findings and policy orientations arising from a cluster of 5 complementary and interrelated FP7 research projects on socially excluded youth (such as young migrants, long-term unemployed or homeless youth, those in public care). The policy review and conference will focus on policy solutions to break the glass-ceiling at individual, social and institutional levels.
Researchers, stakeholders and policy-makers will discuss the potential for inclusive educational and labour market policies, activated civil society, and last but not least, social intervention programmes carried out in cooperation and partnerships of public and private sectors supported by social protection measures, together with young people.
Correspondingly, three thematic sessions will look into:
Opportunities for socially excluded youth to overcome their biographical disadvantages;
Formal and non-formal learning actions for inclusive, accessible and affordable learning;
Pathways of transitions to adulthood, parenthood, labour market and social integration.
Participation to the conference is free of charge (without reimbursement of travel nor subsistence costs), but prior registration is required (chrysoula.kassianidou@ec.europa.eu – Tel.: +32-2-2990467 – Fax: +32-2-2979608)
More info: Programme and background information .