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The Maritime Education Program in Gdańsk
The whole Program’s initiative aims to spread and popularize maritime traditions and the unique heritage of Gdańsk to its young citizens and acquaint them with opportunities that offers life in the city located at the seaside. Therefore, interdisciplinary project’s initiatives in the Maritime Education Program in Gdańsk include youth activation, promotion of sailing, environmental awareness as well as active and safe time spend on the water.
The program is organized under the honorary auspices of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, and the Ministry of National Education. As part of the Program, all 1-year students of Gdańsk gymnasiums go on educational cruises around the Gdańsk Bay. During that time they learn the basics of sailing, study history, geography and biology, and get to know their city from an off-shore perspective.
Since 2013 the theme of each edition of the project refers to an annual issue of United Nations World Water Day. The aim for the Maritime Education Program in Gdansk in 2016 is to implement the international competition and to initiate a dialogue and exchange of experiences between teenage residents of the Baltic Sea region.
More information can be found on the website: http://www.programedukacjimorskiej.pl/