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This free music event starts 12 may at 6 pm in Espace Senghor (Chee de Wavre 366, 1040 Bruxelles). It is a great opportunity to see and listen to so many good musicians on one stage. Pieter del Aere, Kristan Dehertog, Ann Verschuere, Lieve de Keyser, Willem Buyse, Koen Knockaert, Jitse Coopman, Kurt Bertels, Jan Eggermont, Pieter Lagacie, Wesley Capiau, Gert Verrydt and leading Cezariusz Gadzina will play music by Krzesimir Debski, Bert Joris, Claudius Valk and Hanne Deneire (world premiere).

Contact phone number: 02/230 31 40