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On 08th November 2017, we had a pleasure in assisting a seminar on ‘Benefits to business and enterprise in EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region’ in Gdańsk. The aim of the seminar was to promote contact exchange and learn from shared experiences, particularly from those working in the maritime sector and involved in EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

The seminar was attended by approximately 80 people, including industry representatives from Poland and abroad. The meeting took place as part of two projects run by Pomorskie Regional EU Office, ‘Let’s Communicate!’ and Smart Blue Regions (Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020) in partnership with Shipping and Safety Theme Coordinators (PA Ship and PA Safe) and Pomorskie Voivodeship local authority. Support for the event also came from our media partners, Radio Gdańsk and Dziennik Bałtycki.

The panelists’ presentations can be found under following links: (1) and (2).

Full report in English is also available on EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region website.