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The Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy has just published a brand new comic book called “Partners” which aims at presenting Regional and Urban Policy through six stories designed to appeal to a young audience.

The themes covered in this album are Research & Innovation, Urban Development, Environment, Support to SMEs, Social Inclusion, ICT, Cooperation between regions, Transport, Solidarity between regions in case of natural disasters, etc.

These slices of life and stories of men and women were inspired by real EU-funded projects that illustrate the European Union’s contribution to reducing differences in standards of living and supporting the regions in their development.

This comic is available in FR, EN and NL and can be ordered via EU Bookshop.

Comic book

Video Teaser

Come and visit us this Saturday 17/5 during the EU Open Doors event on the Berlaymont piazza (Metro Schuman), participate in the Quiz, win a comic book and have it signed by the authors! (14h-17h).