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Get creative – Go Baltic

Culture and creative industries in the Baltic Sea Area – drivers for growth and sustainable development

on Thursday, 3 April 2014, 14.00-17:30 followed by a Spring reception

at the Goethe Institute Brussels, Rue Belliard 58, 1040 Brussels

On 3 April 2014 the European Commission, the Informal Baltic Sea Group and the Nordic Council of Ministers will host a seminar on culture and creative industries.

The seminar will address key drivers for culture and creative industries, among them the investment rationales for culture in the Baltic Sea Region and cross-sectoral fertilization and spill over effects to other sectors.

Understanding how culture enhances sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Area has been a key factor in the Baltic cooperation. The revised Action Plan for the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) emphasizes the importance of culture for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. The Nordic Council of Ministers has for decades taken up an effort to build knowledge and new partnerships in this area. So have the European Capitals of Culture 2014, Riga and Umeå. The seminar will take stock of culture and creative industries in the Baltic Sea Region, lessons learnt and implications for future macro-regional and European Union level cooperation. Please find attached a detailed program.

Before the seminar from 11.00-13:00 we are proud to host a project café for practitioners, which will showcase upcoming funding opportunities, current good practices and examples of on-going cooperation activities, which aim to accelerate job creation, growth and export in Baltic Sea Region’s cultural and creative industries.

As a part of “Project cafe” will take place the following events:

Festival “Sounds of North”
A  festival  in  Gdansk,  created  by  the  Baltic  Sea  Culture Center,  devoted  to  shed  light  on  the  most  talented musicians  inspired  by  folk  music  of  the  Baltic  Sea region.  The  festival  is  a  way  to  draw  attention  to  a genre  of  music  which  comes  in  a  variety  of  styles  and represents  the  specific  cultures  of  the  region.

The Baltic Meetings of Illustrators
The Baltic Meetings is  a cooperation  of  Polish, Swedish, Norwegian,  Finnish,  Estonian  and  Lithuanian  partners.
The  project  revolves  around  children’s  books,  in particular  illustrations.  Exhibitions,  workshops  for children  and  seminars  with  famous  authors  from  all participating countries are organized within the project.


Registration is open until 24 March 2014. To register, please visit the following link: http://goo.gl/6h6K26


Association Pomorskie in the EU is co-organizer of the event.