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We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming seminar on the EU’s post-2020 Smart Specialisation Agenda.

The Baltic Sea Region has benefited from an S3 logic in the current programming period, with significant regional efforts, across the macro-region and beyond, in the macro-region’s innovation ecosystems. The post-2020 S3 proposals offer new momentum to build on this performance, and to strengthen collaboration efforts to deliver new industry-driven investment. Furthermore, this builds on the Baltic Sea’s ambitions to deliver both inclusive and clean growth. The event seeks to bring together our political and innovation ecosystem partners to share ideas and to set out a clear pathway for the Baltic Sea’s innovation agenda. Key questions and themes to support this event include:

·         How do we position the Regions of the Baltic Sea at the forefront of the EU´s industrial innovation ambitions?

·         What are the necessary steps for us to create further ownership and commitment to deliver this?

·     What tools and actions are required to future-proof our skills and competences, to identify and prioritize the opportunities and to attract and leverage investment?

Registration is open until 14 November 2019. To register, please visit the following link: EU’s post-2020 Smart Specialisation Agenda

You can find the final programme attached. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at event@mv-office.eu.

We look forward to welcoming you on 19 November 2019!