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The Committee of the Regions is drafting an opinion based on the attached communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on “Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan. Reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe” http://cor.europa.eu/en/activities/stakeholders/Documents/com2012-795.pdf
In line with the spirit of the Small Business Act and the think small first principle, the Commission has released now the Action Plan to boost entrepreneurship spirit in Europe. The Rapporteur, on behalf of the Committee of the Regions will explore the measures proposed in the three pillars of the action plan and seek for best practices to translate the plan into concrete actions at local and regional level.
Feedback is being sought from the stakeholders in the areas such as best practices, most pertinent obstacles in promoting of entrepreneur friendly policies or assessment of actions proposed in the Commission document. While overly supportive for the idea, the Rapporteur is seeking to explore further improvement possibilities and ways of providing better involvement of local and regional authorities in order to deliver positive changes.
The rapporteur on the opinion, Paweł ADAMOWICZ (PL/EPP), Mayor of the City of Gdansk, together with his expert, would be happy to meet with representatives of local and regional associations and other stakeholders for a consultation and an exchange of views on this opinion.
The consultation will take place on: Monday 22 April between 2.30 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. in the Committee of the Regions building (Rue Belliard 99-101, B-1040 Brussels) Room JDE 70.
The rapporteur would be very keen to hear your views during the meeting. After a short introduction by the rapporteur, stakeholders will be invited to respond.
In addition, if you have any position papers relevant to the subject, you are welcome to send them to us by e‑mail using the addresses below.
The meeting will be held in Polish with simultaneous interpreting, allowing you to speak in English/French as well. Please note that the rapporteur’s mother tongue is Polish.
You can already register to participate in this debate to shape the rapporteur’s views. For practical reasons, you are kindly asked to register your participation before 1.00 p.m. on Friday, 19 April via the following link
For more information, please contact our team:
· For the ECOS Commission secretariat: Mr Wojciech Dyba, Tel: +32 2 282 2565
e-mail: Wojciech.dyba@cor.europa.eu
· For stakeholder relations: Mr Peter Verlinden, Tel: +32 2 282 2170
e-mail: peter.verlinden@cor.europa.eu
Paweł Adamowicz is a Mayor of the City of Gdańsk. Since October 2011 is a member of the Committee of the Regions. It will be his fisrt opinion in the Committee.