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The third of the series of the planned meetings organised to discuss the draft of the POWER 2014-2020 project (org. Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój) was held in Gdańsk on 7th October 2014. The meetings aim at exchanging opinions and views concerning the issues presented in the draft of the POWER 2014-202. The project is an answer to various needs coming from the areas of job market, social integration, education, public health and sensible governing. It also supports social innovations and international cooperation in those fields. Main goals of POWER 2014-2020 include:

POWER 2014-2020, supported financially by European Social Fund (ESF), is implemented in 16 regional operational programmes. Its aim is to create more effective policy frameworks which will, consequently, allow for more individual approach.

The remaining two meetings are held in Białystok and Warsaw, respectively on  15th October and 22nd October. Participation requires prior registration.

For more information check: http://www.efs.gov.pl/2014_2020/konsultacje/Strony/Okonsultacjach.aspx