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On 21st and 22nd November, the “Smart Metropolia” Congress will be held in Gdańsk; the event is organised jointly by Mieczysław Struk, the Marshal of the Pomorskie Region, and Paweł Adamowicz, the Mayor of Gdańsk. The congress, directed to both practitioners and theoreticians dealing with the development of the city, aims at establishing cooperation and exchanging ideas between gminas, preparing to the new financial perspective 2014-2020, popularising the metropolitan concept and its importance for the development of cities and functional areas, and exchanging good practices concerning both European and Polish metropolises. The congress, divided into seven panels – space, mobility, social innovation lab, management, energy, and tourism, attempts to discuss various concepts and questions, mostly concerning strengthening the economic potential and improving the quality of life of the citizens.

A number of other events is organised as the part of the Congress, including the 3rd International INNO3city Conference and a meeting organised by the The State Forests National Forest Holding.

Registration still available at this here.