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The Pomorskie in the European Union Association would like to invite you to a study visit based on discussing the new programming system and budget implementation within the framework of the “Europe 2020” strategy. The strategy, which introduces vital changes in the policies supported by EU funds, and simultaneously emphasises their functional integration, presents not only more flexible ways of utilising the funds, but also more strict rules concerning the outcome. Therefore, opportunities are numerous, but the responsibility in terms of the effective implementation of the funds is greater.
Bearing in mind the effectiveness of the new financial perspective programming, the part of the conference shall be devoted to the frameworks of implementing and evaluating the Regional Operational Programme in years 2007-2013, including the topic of the audit and the completion. The rest of the discussion shall centre around accomplishing the aims presented in the “Europe 2020” strategy; the focus will be on instruments of supporting research and innovation (Horizon 2020), instruments of supporting the biodiversity and climate protection (Life+), and the initiative for the support of entrepreneurship and the youth employment. The representatives of the local and regional authorities will have a chance to learn more about the new guidelines for the regional support and about the new solutions for the cities (the RURBAN initiative). Further details can be found here.
The Pomorskie in the EU Association offers help in booking plane tickets (arrival in Brussles: 25th November, departure: 28th November in the afternoon), and accommodation (the guests are entitled to a discount in the Hotel Agenda Louise, Brussels – €120.5 per night/room).
The Association does not cover the expenses of transport, accommodation and food, but it covers the organisational costs, including the training materials and visit arrangements.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact:
Pomorskie in the European Union Association, Gdańsk
(58) 32 68 714 or
(58) 32 68 709
Please confirm you registration using this registration form. Deadline: 28th October 2013.