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Considering the fact that the unemployment rates among young people are worryingly high, there is no denial that something needs to be done to improve the current situation on the job market. In order to somehow find the solution to the problem, the Elisan network decided to make the issue the dominant theme of its annual conference. The aim of “Investing in smart ideas for: Youth employment and integration and work – family balance policies” conference, organised on 18th November, was to involve the regional and local levels in the EU actions against the increasing youth unemployment, poverty, and social exclusion, especially in the light of the new EU budgetary framework 2014-2020. The event offered a chance to discuss the issue, as well as to inform about the EU initiatives related to the subject. What was emphasised during the conference was the need for improving youth potential, training, and active involvement in the European Social Agenda, as well as promoting and empowering families as key productive actors for society.

More information available here.